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Have You Had A Bike Stolen? What Did You Do About It?
Sure, there are worse things to lose, like your house, or a limb, but having a bicycle stolen creates a unique sense of violation and loss that’s unlike, say, getting your car ripped off.
Our relationships with bicycles are special, intimate. They carry us places with style and grace and efficiency that no other form of transportation can match. They touch our private parts, like our hands. We give them names and they become us, and when some scumbag takes them, it creates a dent in the force not easily fixed.
When you first come upon an empty space where your bicycle used to be, you are filled with disbelief, especially if you’re the forgetful type, have prankster friends, or are, like, you know, drunk. Then comes the dawning awareness that it’s really gone and some dickweed took your precious ride and then, usually comes anger. Eventually, you move on. Maybe. Some people never really do.
Here’s hoping that you have never suffered such an indignity. But if you have, let’s hear about it.
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This week, one poll participant will receive a pair of Smith Optics Prospect Tactical sunglasses. We’ll pick the winner via random number generator (and announce it here) – all you have to do to enter is vote and leave a comment so we have your email to contact you. Must have a U.S. or Canadian address. Contest ends Sunday, May 18, at midnight PST.
Photo by nickmickolas/Flickr