10 of the Cheapest Towns for Renters Within Shouting Distance of Skiing

Yeah, the rental market in mountain towns, as well as the real estate market, is hideous. Awful. Unless you’re selling a house or renting one out, that is. But for most of us, who just want a fairly priced place to live, near somewhere we can have some freaking fun outside, mountain towns are quickly escaping our grasp, all but out of reach. (Except for those who can afford TNF x Gucci gear).

But what if you expand your horizons to include ski hills, rather than mountains? Places with a bit more cross country skiing, a little less vert? Rent.com, a website that, you guessed it, caters to the rental market, just published a list of the 10 cheapest rental markets near ski areas. Basically, they looked at average rental prices within 25 miles of any resort offering “skiing” in any form. But hey, most of these places offer all kinds of rad summertime fun too, mostly of the cycling form. And mountains are great, but they ain’t everything.

Even if you’re in no way interested in living near, say, Cleveland, it’s still kinda cool to see what rentals cost far from the frenzied horde of outdoor folks clamoring over the rental scraps.

Check out their list, right here.



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