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Justin Housman
Looks Like Humans Were Able to Harness Fire 800,000 Years Ago
New technology shows human ancestors have used campfires hundreds of thousands of years before we thought.
Meet the Dude Who Turned the Western States From Horse Race to Foot Race
Who needs two extra legs? Or hooves?
We’re Testing Out The Pakmule Cargo Carrier—Whaddya Want to Know?
Burly, USA-made, cool-looking cargo carrying.
Thousand’s ‘Chapter’ Bike Helmet Can Run Errands and Mountains
Ride your kid to school, hit the town for a cruise, and take on multi-day gravel adventures, all with one…
Fools In the Rain, A Thoroughly Enjoyable Scottish Adventure
There’s fun to be had, folks.
Why Sometimes Just Finding Silence is Enough
In which a new parent explains: “Now that silence is really all I have time for, I’m realizing that silence…
Norman Baker Steered Reed Rafts Clear Across the Atlantic—Twice
You’ve heard of Thor Heyerdahl’s famous transoceanic voyages? Well, meet his mountain climbing, plane flying, gold mining navigator.
The Rough Stuff Fellowship, Revisited
They rode the impossible with pluck, style, and nothing electronic.
‘Fire of Love’ Is One Hot Love Story
No love hotter than that shared by volcanologists.
How ‘Green’ Is an Electric Truck Compared to Gas Cars?
Or can a Rivian compete with a gas-powered Honda Civic for carbon emission bonafides?
New Series Asks: Are These Pursuits Worth the Risk of Death?
What are you willing to risk?
Review: Tifosi Rail Are Solid Shades for Well Under $100
Why buy $300 shades when these are out there kicking butt for so much less?
It’s Like a Wooden Boat Building Film, But for a Land Rover Camper
Now THIS is how you build a camper.
Am I a Man? Or a Tree?
Is this a dude hallucinating or a tree having an existential crisis?
Dervla Murphy, Lived, Traveled, and Wrote Full Tilt
Independent, curious, fearless, Dervla Murphy was the travel writer’s travel writer.
Lake Baikal Really Doesn’t Feel Like It’s Part of This World
Lots of superlatives when it comes to Lake Baikal, including “weirdest.”
The Joy and Struggle of the Rae Lakes Trek
Watch as a first-time backpacker pushes through exhaustion and near-breakdown on one of the country’s most spectacular high altitude treks.
Mountain Bikers: Wanna Guess Which Injuries You’re Most Likely to Suffer?
Learn from the broken collarbones of others.
Swiss Tourism Ad Is Simply the Best Commercial You’ll See
It’s an ad for Switzerland, but really it’s an ad for life.
You Can Now Watch ‘The Alpinist’ Online, For Free
Terrific mountaineering film, no sub required.
Meet the Amateur Geologist Who Put the Arch in Arches National Park
Back in the 1970s, rangers knew only some of Arches National Park’s many thousands of sandstone arches. Then came Reuben…
3-Year-Old Found Safe After Two Nights Alone in Montana Woods
A happy ending for a lost toddler.
Marin Mountain Bike Group Vying For More Trail Access (Good Luck)
The birthplace of mountain biking is also a no-ride zone. Local groups hope to change that.
Oslo’s Fuglemyrhytta Cabin is Tough to Pronounce, Easy to Fall in Love With
Norway knocks another trekker’s cabin out of the park with this stylish respite outside Oslo.
Is VR Climbing and Bug-Eating Our Dystopian Outdoor Rec Future?
We freakin’ hope not.
What’s the Most Epic 48-Hour Adventure You Can Have in America?
It’s a big, big country, so what are the biggest weekend epics?
Cold-Weather Brand Beringia Also Makes Our Fave Surf Trunks
Surf, hike, swim, run, lounge—they’re kinda the perfect shorts.
Ever Seen a Deer Cyclone?
Like a murmuration, but with gigantic elk instead of swallows.
Mysterious Forest, Millions of Years Old, Discovered in Chinese Sinkhole
Wonders still exist.
Alex Honnold on Fatherhood and His Very Real Fear of Death
Dad’s mag pens great profile on everyone’s fave El Cap free soloist.
A Very Serious, Sandal-Wearing Review of an Old Huffy Granite
Hey, Huffy Granite, can it or can’t it…
VW Bought Rights to ‘Scout’ Name, Is Reviving Brand With Electric Off-Roader
The 70s are back—and this time they’re electric.
A Fisherman Elder and a Pro Skater Go Foraging, Fishing, and Chilling
An odd couple takes it real slow in the British countryside.
Home Is Sweeter When It’s Wild
Bikepacking trip through Italy you say? Where do we sign up?
The First Dog to Walk Around the World Arrives Home
28 miles per day for 7 straight years.
Bedrock Will ‘Re-Soul’ and Repair Your Sandals
The best sandals can be the best sandals forever.
Three Men Busted for Wading Into Bear Territory for Selfies
Please, please humanity, we beg of you: Be better.
Meet the Remy Brothers, Swiss Alps Climbing Royalty, Motörhead Fans
The pair established so many first ascents it would make your head spin.
‘Vancouver, Vancouver, This is It!’ Mount St. Helens Erupted 42 Years Today
Decades later, the eruption that still raises the hair on our necks.
An Ode to Water and the Absurd Power of Tahitian Waves
World’s most thrilling wave gets another deserved closeup.
Just Try Keeping Up With Willie the Wiener
Fastest Known Dog training isn’t for the weak of heart, or the long of leg.
Nightmare Fuel: Bulldozer On Black Bear Pass
Tracks and, uh, something else, of steel.